Privacy Policy

Glain Design Studio is dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of any information entrusted to us in compliance with the "EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" and the "Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (KVKK)". The Privacy Policy shown below details what information is gathered as well as how it is used and secured. To understand your data rights, please read the privacy policy.

Who are we?

This website is operated by Ilden Dijital Tasarım ve Yazılım Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi, under the registered brand name “Glain Design Studio” (“Glain Design Studio”, “we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy is applicable to Glain Design Studio.

Who can you contact for privacy questions or concerns?

Please send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy or how we handle personal information. Glain Design Studio aims to react to privacy-related concerns within 30 days of receiving them.

How do we collect personal data?

Direct: We obtain personal data about individuals directly from them through a variety of sources, including business cards that they give us, forms and surveys they complete online, newsletters and bulletins they subscribe to, webinar registrations, events or meetings they attend that we host, and hiring paperwork they bring in to our office. Sufle may also directly acquire personal data through agreements made for commercial ties, expert services, or its software solutions.

Indirect: Glain Design Studio obtains personal data about individuals in an indirect manner from a variety of sources, including our clients and the recruiting industry. Sufle may use personal data in its customer relationship management (CRM) procedures to enhance the services it provides to individuals, businesses, and subscribers.

Public Sources: Glain Design Studio obtains personal information from publicly accessible sources including news stories, sanction lists, internet searches, and more.

Social and Professional Network Platforms: Glain Design Studio might collect information necessary for the registration or login process that is allowed by the applicable social media provider when users register or login to our website using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google, or LinkedIn) in order to authenticate their identity or connect social media login information with this website. Depending on the user's privacy settings on the social networking site, this information may include name, email address, and other specifics. Individuals can modify their privacy settings and restrictions on the appropriate social network platform if they wish to set and control the information shared with this website.

Business clients: Whenever necessary, the professional services we provide to our business clients may involve exchanging personally identifiable information under our clients' control. On behalf of our clients, we may additionally handle personal data that is under their control using our hosted apps as part of our professional services. This kind of personal data collection and processing is subject to different privacy terms, policies and notices.

Recruitment services: Glain Design Studio may gather personal data from candidates that apply through employment agencies and other parties such as our former employers.

What categories of personal data do we collect?

Through direct interactions, indirect connections, including sources such as business client engagements, applicants, and others detailed in this Privacy Policy, we gather personal data within the categories indicated below.

Personal information that Glain Design Studio often gathers in order to run our business activities includes:

Sensitive information: Glain Design Studio does not collect sensitive or unique types of personal information from individuals besides its own employees. 

When authorized to do so by a third party with the express agreement of the persons concerned or where it is mandated by law, Glain Design Studio may collect and handle sensitive personal data from individuals (who are not Glain Design Studio employees). These are some examples of the sensitive data that Glain Design Studio may gather or hold:

Do we share personal data with third parties?

Glain Design Studio might share personal information with third parties it trusts on occasion to enhance and expand the effectiveness of its services. These third parties are contractually bound to safeguard and secure the data shared with them. Glain Design Studio may interact with one or more of the following data receivers, as indicated below:

Do we use cookies?

This website uses cookies. A notice regarding the usage of cookies is delivered to the relevant browser when and where they are used. To understand more about how cookies are used, please see our Cookie Policy.

What are your rights regarding data protection?

Access: Individuals have the right to ask Glain Design Studio at any time if it processes their personal data, and if so, what particular information about what kind of data is processed.

Correction: Individuals can request that Glain Design Studio edit and correct their records if they find any incorrect or incomplete information about them. Erasing: Individuals may request that Glain Design Studio delete any of their personal information after withdrawing their permission to such processing or in the event that Glain Design Studio no longer requires that information for the original reason it was collected.

Processing limitations: People can ask Glain Design Studio to temporarily limit the processing of their personal data if they disagree with the accuracy of the data and would rather do so than request that it be erased. Also, individuals can ask Glain Design Studio to keep their personal information on file in order to support or defend a legal claim. A temporary restriction is applied while the legitimate grounds of personal data processing are verified. Individuals have the right to request notification from Glain Design Studio when the temporary processing limitation is lifted.

Data portability: Individuals may occasionally request that Glain Design Studio send their collected personal data directly to another company in a structured, machine-readable manner if it is technically feasible.

Automated Individual Decision Making: Individuals have the option to request that Glain Design Studio review any automated processing-based decisions made about them that might bring legal effects concerning or significantly affecting them, such as profiling.

Right to Object to Direct Marketing Including Profiling: Individuals have the right to object to Glain Design Studio’s use of their personal information for direct marketing intents and activities, including profiling. In this situation, Glain Design Studio might need to retain a minimum quantity of information on them in order to comply with their request to stop marketing to them.

Right to Withdraw Consent: Individuals have the right to withdraw their previously granted consent for the processing of their personal data for one or more specified purposes. The validity of any data processing carried out prior to the withdrawal is unaffected by the withdrawal of permission. Individuals may no longer be able to receive certain services or goods due to withdrawal of permission, in which case they will be made aware of the situation.

Individuals who would like to exercise their Data Subject Rights can email: [email protected]. Glain Design Studio might need specific information regarding these individuals in order to verify their identity, provide them access to their personal information, and enable them to exercise their data rights. With the aid of this procedure, both Glain Design Studio and individuals concerned may make sure that no one without the proper authorization sees their personal information. If these requests are clearly justified and reasonable, they may be made with no charges. In some cases, Glain Design Studio might not be able to comply with these demands if they conflict with other lawful grounds.

What about the security of personal data?

Glain Design Studio implements the essential organizational and technical security policies and processes to safeguard sensitive and personal data against loss, change, misuse, and demolition. Glain Design Studio is committed to ensuring that only individuals with legitimate purposes have access to personal information. The confidentiality of the personal information must also be protected by those who have access to it. To successfully secure the personal data, Glain Design Studio may use pseudonymization, de-identification, or anonymization techniques.

Also, individuals should be aware that they bear all responsibility for the security risks associated with data transmission through the Internet. Glain Design Studio strives to safeguard the security of personal data even if the security of data transfer to the website cannot be totally guaranteed.

Does Glain Design Studio link to other websites?

This website might include links to other websites such as those of our partners and customers that are not subject to this Privacy Policy. Individuals should review the privacy policies of the destination website and the connections before providing their personal information on these websites. Although Glain Design Studio strives to connect only to reliable and private websites, Glain Design Studio is not liable for the security or privacy policies followed by any other website.

Do we change this Privacy Policy?

We regularly review our privacy policy and make any necessary updates. This Privacy Policy is written on April 10th, 2023.